Saturday, June 11, 2016

6040 cnc z axis stuttering

I did multiple tests on the Z axis to trouble shoot what was going wrong.
Things to test:
•Wiring (plug connectors)
•stepper driver controller
•stepper driver
•parallel cable

It looks like the stepper driver is broken. I trouble shooted it by replacing the Z axis driver with the Y and the X driver and the stepper motor seemed to work fine. My cnc is a 6040 cnc and it had a YOOCNC YOC335. Inside of it was a TB6560 TB6560AHQ to be exact. I will try to fix it by replacing this with a TB6600 stepper motor driver instead because I cant find the exact same stepper motor driver anywhere.

Mine was the same as this one that i found online.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

how to fix a1255 apple keyboard wireless blueooth diy

The problem was that the positive side of the battery didn't touch the terminal due to the short battery terminal and the construction of the keyboard. The simplest solution to fix this is to roll up a small piece of aluminum foil and toss it in there before the batteries.

Fluval Chi LED diy mod hack

The fluval chi is a beautiful tank but it has several flaws. One of them lighting. It is very dim and it does not work to its potentials. I got some led strips and a 120v led driver to rig up a working concept.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, June 27, 2013

1988 cressida no spark 5mge 5m-ge

My cars been overheating so i was going to adjust the timing when i accidentally shorted the wrong pins in the diagnostic port. I was supposed to short T and E but instead i shorted T and B+. I checked all the fuses with a tester but the tester said all the fuses are okay. I bought another ECU on ebay and installed it but it was still the same.

The problem was the EFI fuse in the engine bay.
The tester light went on for both ends of the fuse so i thought it was okay.

The engine runs again and now i'm back to solving the over heating issue.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sculpey borderlands skag sculpture

Ive been addicted to borderlands and one of my favorite characters are the skags. This skag was built from a wire frame that was wrapped with aluminum foil and sculpey. A wooden kabob stick and a xacto knife was used for texturing and shaping.